These worksheets for mental health will help students get a big-picture perspective on their quality of life and wellbeing.
Starter activity
First, ask students to think about the areas that have a primary influence on people’s health and wellbeing. You can do this as a large group discussion, in talk partners or as small groups. Give students three to five minutes to make a list of these areas or aspects of life.
Now ask students to rank the items on their list in order – from most important or influential in people’s lives, to least. Prompt students to think about areas in life that can cause the most stress, and vice versa. When complete, ask students to share their opinions and discuss as a class.
Worksheets for mental health
Give students a chance to reflect on their own health and wellness by distributing these worksheets for mental health.
Explain how our lives are made up of eight different foundational areas:
- Physical
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Financial
- Family
- Social/relationships
- Time/productivity
- Lifestyle
By splitting life up into these different areas, we can more easily determine what is causing us most stress.
Students need to complete the eight tables on these worksheets for mental health by reading the statements and ranking them from one to five. Add up the totals and record your findings on the ‘Wheel of Life’ page.
This will result in a circular-style line graph. The rounder and larger the completed wheel is, the smoother students’ lives are.
When complete, complete these reflection questions, included on these worksheets for mental health. Discuss as a class or share thoughts in small groups.
- How is your life rolling along?
- What areas are going well?
- What areas are flat and need improvement?
- What needs attention and some extra maintenance?
- What practical items need to be addressed?
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