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PrimarySecondaryThe Arts

Teaching drama – First lesson plan and tips for putting on a play

What's included?

Two PDFs

Key Stage

KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4


Years 1-11


Teaching drama for the first time

Are you new to teaching drama? Or would you like some new ideas for teaching your first drama class? This download contains a 12-page PDF of teaching material for just one class.

For every goal listed, there are several drama activity options you can choose from, depending on the ability levels and needs of your group.

The resource includes:

  • Suggestions for an imaginative opening
  • Five different games for learning names
  • Four activities for building ensemble
  • Outline for a brief discussion about acting
  • Suggestions for drama class rules
  • Fun ‘instant performance’ game for the end of class
  • Ideas for a closing ritual

Tips for putting on a play

Are you in charge of putting on a short play with children or teens? Even if you have a background in teaching drama, this may be a daunting task.

Use the included four-page PDF of tips to help you get grounded and set realistic expectations for your group.

When putting on a show with children and teens, it’s crucial that the students have a positive experience. This supersedes goals related to putting on elaborate productions. Make sure to read this guide before you even choose a script!

Drama Notebook is one of the world’s leading resources for drama teachers. The site features hundreds of drama lesson plans, and royalty-free plays for kids and teens. Browse more drama games for kids.

Free resources for teaching drama
Teaching drama – First lesson plan and tips for putting on a play
PrimarySecondaryThe Arts
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