PDF activity sheets and teacher notes
Early Years, KS1
Years R-2
A Stegosaurus in the Stars is a book written and illustrated by Alysanne Parker. This dinosaurs KS1 story is about Nell, a stegosaurus with a dream.
Many of her dinosaur friends don’t believe she’ll ever go to the moon but, with determination and a little help from a friend, her dream becomes a reality.
Teaching young children that you can achieve your dreams, this delightful book offers opportunities to discuss setting goals and making a plan to achieve them, thinking about who can help you on the way.
Dinosaurs KS1 resources
These downloadable resources offer a range of activities to explore the story and characters in more detail and discuss the dreams that young learners may have. The activities are suitable for children in Reception and KS1.
- Activity 1 – Read and enjoy the story
- Activity 2 – Exploring rhyme
- Activity 3 – Developing storytelling
- Activity 4 – A Stegosaurus in the Stars
- Activity 5 – What are your dreams?