20-page PDF booklet
KS2, KS3, KS4
Years 3-11
This resource looks at six popular and impactful films about identity. It provides tips for the arrangement of an Into Film club, suggestions for film reviewing, and activities to enhance and support screenings.
The films included are:
- Arrietty (2011, 94 mins, U)
- The Secret of Kells (2009, 75 mins, PG)
- Wadjda (2012, 92 mins, PG)
- Circo (2010, 75 mins, E)
- Bend It Like Beckham (107 mins, 12)
- Persepolis (2007, 91 mins, 12)
There are activities suitable for all abilities. Start by focusing on an easier film, then move on to more challenging choices for older groups. For the films about identity included in this resource, the following activities are provided:
- Discussion questions
- Filmmaking activity
- Post-screening activity
- More challenging extension activity
- Worksheets to print and photocopy
Ask the discussion questions before and after watching the film. These questions link to themes of identity and belonging. They focus on various elements of film known as the 3Cs and 3Ss:
- character, colour, camera
- sound, setting, story
Into Film champions and realises the potential of film, cinema and moving image to create inspiring, inclusive learning experiences.