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Roman numerals worksheet – Extra challenge for Y4 and Y5 pupils

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Key Stage



Years 4-5


These Roman numeral worksheets are an excellent resource for teachers looking to challenge and engage Year 4 and Year 5 students.

They help children build a solid understanding of Roman numerals through targeted practice and revision.

The activities are divided into three sections, offering flexibility for classroom use. You can choose to use the entire worksheet in one lesson for comprehensive coverage or focus on specific problems during different teaching sessions or home learning assignments.

These worksheets are also ideal for reinforcing learning objectives in preparation for assessments or to strengthen students’ grasp of this historical numbering system.

Year 4 Roman numerals worksheet

For Year 4, the focus is on reading Roman numerals up to 100 (I to C) and understanding how the numeral system evolved to include the concept of zero and place value.

The worksheets include various engaging activities such as comparing the size of Roman numerals, ordering them on a number line and completing sequences.

These tasks encourage critical thinking and help students to visualise numerical relationships. Example exercises include questions like, “Which of the numbers is largest? Create a number line to prove your answer”.

These tasks ensure that students practise Roman numerals in real-world contexts, such as reading time.

Year 5 focus

For Year 5, the worksheets extend to Roman numerals up to 1000 (M) and recognising years written in this format.

Students will encounter tasks like filling in missing numerals, interpreting historical dates and completing advanced sequences.

For example, the worksheet asks “In what year did these events take place (e.g., Christopher Columbus discovers America in MCDXCII)?” or “Fill in the missing numbers [in the sum] using Roman numerals.”

These Roman numeral worksheets are an invaluable tool for teachers aiming to make learning both rigorous and enjoyable. By incorporating them into lessons, you can help students confidently master Roman numerals while aligning with curriculum goals.

These worksheets are from Plazoom’s Challenge Maths collection – absorbing practice and revision maths worksheets that provide extra challenge for children in Years 1-6.

Roman numerals worksheets
Roman numerals worksheet – Extra challenge for Y4 and Y5 pupils
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