NRICH, a trusted provider of free problem-solving resources and teacher support, is launching the Problem-solving Schools programme.
Register for free to enhance problem-solving provision across your school and sign up to the Problem-solving Schools Charter.
Why is problem-solving so important?
With the rise of AI, problem-solving skills are more important than ever for students.
To thrive both inside and outside of the classroom, they need to develop resilience, be able to work collaboratively, and think creatively and flexibly. And, perhaps most importantly, they will need to be able to solve problems.
Problem solving opens up a world of possibilities. Students have to apply their knowledge, think laterally, and use their creativity to solve challenges.
Not only does problem solving serve a longer-term purpose of empowering students for the future, it is also a crucial part of helping them to discover the joy of mathematics.
Imagine only engaging with football through practice drills and never seeing Messi score, or learning music through scales and never hearing an orchestra play…
Problem solving is the light bulb moment for students when it comes to maths. They start to see the value in what they are doing.
Once they really understand its value, that’s when they become engaged and motivated to learn!
Highlighted by Ofsted
A new Ofsted report, published in July 2023, said that the teaching of mathematical problem solving remains an area “of weakness across many schools”, and emphasised the importance of teaching skills that “equip [pupils] for the next stage of education, work and life”.
As well as asking schools to teach specific problem-solving strategies, they want students to have plenty of opportunities to put these strategies into practice and choose the best one for each situation.
What is NRICH doing to support schools?
NRICH’s core mission is to develop confident, resilient problem-solvers who value and enjoy working mathematically. With that mission in mind, we are launching the Problem-solving Schools programme.
The aim of this new initiative is to help embed problem-solving in classrooms by providing:
- Targeted problem-solving resources
- Dedicated teacher CPD on how best to use them
- Advice on engaging parents so they can support their children at home
- A dedicated schools Charter to sign up for, demonstrating your school’s commitment to put problem solving at the heart of maths learning.
The programme is open to all schools with resources and CPD available for key stages 2–4.