
Reducing Your Early Years Setting’s Wasted Energy And Resources Will Pay Dividends For Your Business, And The Planet

Go green and save money, says Stephen Gaubert

Stephen Gaubert
by Stephen Gaubert
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The Paris Climate Agreement and the government’s recent policy initiatives on air pollution and other environmental issues highlight the need for early years providers to review their own internal policies to become more resource efficient, thereby reducing costs; attractive to customers because of their green credentials; compliant with environmental legislation; and responsible members of their local community.

Let’s look at the practical steps you can take to be more eco-friendly in five key areas:

1. Energy

‘Green’ energy is power from renewable sources, for example, wind, solar and wave power, as well as tidal, biomass and hydroelectric power. Compare green energy deals to obtain the most cost-effective tariffs. Economise by turning off equipment, computers and lighting when not in use. Buy more eco-efficient lighting, heating, IT and kitchen equipment.

2. Water

Measure your consumption with other settings; identify potential leaks, misuse or incorrect control settings. Your consumption may be reduced by installing equipment to restrict or reduce the flow of water. Water suppliers now enable customers to compare the rates offered by different companies.

3. Resources

Reduce paper costs by printing fewer emails and documents; use both sides of paper where possible and use recycled paper. Look for good second-hand equipment and furniture where appropriate; opt for furniture constructed from recycled materials and domestic soft woods.

4. Waste

Carry out a simple audit of requirements for current and future use. Encourage children, staff and parents to look for ideas to reduce resources and save energy. ‘Green’ alternatives can be more energy efficient. Initial outlay may be marginally more but the average payback periods from energy waste minimisation are measured in months, not years.

5. Supply chain management

Working with suppliers is key to reducing costs and improving their performance. Set clear expectations through procurement processes and work closely with suppliers to find solutions that deliver sustainability benefits. ‘Sustainable procurement’ takes into account both environmental and social factors when making a purchasing decision. Cutting waste may not only save money, but also could give you the edge in attracting customers.

Stephen Gaubert helps organisations manage their costs and works with you to obtain the best products and solutions.

For more information, call 020 8482 1370 or 07785 340 280, email or visit

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