These free printable times table flash cards for 2-12 reinforce times tables in an engaging, effective way.
These flash cards cover multiplication, division, bar models, arrays and groupings. These multiple representations will help your pupils truly understand and master their times tables.
Times table flash cards
Using these flash cards in your classroom offers plenty of flexibility. You can use them in whole-class settings for quick-fire question rounds, in small-group activities or for individual practice.
The cards cover straightforward equations like 2 x 7 = __, missing number problems like __ x 7 = 14, and division statements such as 14 / 7 = __.
These all help to solidify pupils’ understanding from various angles. Cards that focus on “2 lots of 7” or “one seventh of 14” add variety and help learners make connections to real-life grouping and sharing concepts.
You’ll also find representations through bar models and arrays. These visual aids help pupils who may struggle with abstract concepts, showing them the grouping in a tangible way, like seeing 2 groups of 7 or an array with 2 rows of 7.
This resource is excellent for helping children build confidence in their understanding of times tables, moving from memorisation to application.
Whether used for warm-ups, interventions or independent practice, these times table flash cards will enrich your maths toolkit.
They are versatile enough for you to use throughout KS1 and KS2, adapting to each child’s pace. Downloading this set will give your pupils a solid foundation in multiplication and division that’s essential for their success in maths.
Games to play
The following games keep the learning active and encourage pupils to use their knowledge in a fun, engaging way, helping them build fluency with times tables…
- Match cards showing different representations of the same times table fact.
- Provide each pupil with a bingo card filled with answers then show the flash cards one at a time. Pupils mark the answer on their bingo card if they have it.
- Divide pupils into teams and line them up. Show the first pupil in each team a flash card. If they answer correctly, they run back to tag the next person, who then answers the next question. The team that completes all cards first wins.
- Place one pupil in a “hot seat.” Show a flash card. If they answer correctly, they stay; if they’re wrong, they swap with a classmate.
- Race against a timer (or each other) to answer a set number of flash cards.
Primary Maths Hub was founded in 2022 by Sarah Farrell and Andrew Jennings and offers high-quality maths resources. Follow on X at @PrimaryMathsHub. Browse more times tables activities.