Originally produced to support a Puffin Virtually Live webcast for schools, this resource aims to help primary classes explore the book The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.
The 23-page document contains three lesson plans with the following learning objectives:
Lesson One
- Ask and answer relevant and appropriate questions
- Identify question words and use the correct punctuation when writing questions
- Consider characters’ thoughts and feelings using the information given
Lesson Two
- Identify and generate rhyming strings
- Write a rhyme
- Read a rhyme aloud
Lesson Three
- To understand what makes us special
Each lesson is supported by a different extract from the book and a set of accompanying resource sheets, including printable cards, writing templates and instructions for pupils to create their own Christmas cards and doorhangers.
Lesson one starter activity
Ask the children to read Resource 1: character description cards in small groups and challenge them to draw the matching character based upon the description. Share the picture cards and ask the children to consider how closely their drawings match the illustrations.
Read each description as a class and discuss what the children have learned about each character. For example, how does each behave? What is their mood like?
For more information about The Christmasaurus, visit the Puffin Books website or follow @PuffinBooks. Browse more Christmas activities.