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PrimaryHealth & Wellbeing

Marley’s Pride – Discussion guide and colouring sheet

What's included?


Key Stage



Years 1-2

Use this discussion guide to talk about picturebook Marley’s Pride with your students. Questions include:

  • What happens when Marley arrives at the parade? What helps them in that moment? What would you do in this situation?
  • Did Marley’s feelings about the Pride parade change by the end of the day? What changed? Why did it change?

There’s also a colouring sheet for children to complete, based on the story.

What is Marley’s Pride about?

Marley is a nonbinary kid with big anxieties. Crowds? Pass. Loud noises? No thanks. When their Zaza is up for an award at Pride, they want to go to the parade for the first time with their beloved grandparent. But can Marley overcome their fears?

Featuring the joyful experiences of a queer Black family finding community through identity at Pride, this story also explores how to cope with social anxiety.

Marley’s Pride was created by Joëlle Retener and DeAnn Wiley – a queer Black author and illustrator team. Central to the story is Zaza, a transgender elder who receives an award for their work helping the trans community.

Additional endnotes include the history of Pride and its origins, a glossary of LGBTQ+ terms and a list of resources.

Browse more Pride Month resources.

Marley's Pride resources
Marley’s Pride – Discussion guide and colouring sheet
PrimaryHealth & Wellbeing
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