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SecondaryDesign & Technology

Packaging design – Practical & memorable KS4 D&T lesson plan

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 10-11

Learners will love this hands-on approach to the topic of packaging design – just don’t forget to hard-boil the eggs first…

Whether you’re looking to introduce the topic of packaging in Year 10 or revise it with Year 11, this engaging and thoroughly enjoyable, hands-on session covers the six functions of packaging design in a practical and memorable way.

The question explored throughout is: “What are the main functions of packaging?”. Do this via mini creative competition, with the students as creators.

Once they’ve completed the practical task ask them to turn into assessors. This process helps them properly understand and embed the six functions in their minds.

Why teach this packaging design lesson?

If you’re looking for a creative approach to the topic of packaging in design technology, this lesson will get your students engaged. This kind of practical problem-solving is great for developing learners’ flexible thinking skills.

Getting started

As students walk through the door, hand them a 2D template net. This engages them straight away as they start to construct a box and starts them thinking about 2D and 3D concepts. This gives them insight into how we make basic packaging nets.

Pose some differentiated questions for students to think about and discuss while constructing their box. For example:

  • How do we package products?
  • Is there always a need for packaging?

This leads into the main task for the lesson. The key question you’ll explore throughout the lesson is: ‘What are the main functions of packaging?’.

Amanda Light is a teacher at Marine Academy Plymouth. She teaches design technology, art and food technology at KS3 and specialises in product design at KS4 and KS5.

Packaging design lesson plan
Packaging design – Practical & memorable KS4 D&T lesson plan
SecondaryDesign & Technology
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