This traditional tales KS1 PDF contains eight illustrations (one extra page is just lined without an image). Each picture is themed around fairy tales for colouring in, alongside printed lines for pupils to write on.
Images include a dragon, a unicorn, a pirate and a pumpkin carriage.
Traditional tales KS1 activity ideas
Why not use these worksheets to help encourage your pupils to get creative, and develop their writing skills. You could try activities such as:
Character descriptions: Pictures related to the story help children visualise the narrative, making it more engaging and easier to understand. Try asking your class to choose an illustration and write a few sentences about the character. For example, an image of a dragon could lead to a description of a scary, fire-breathing creature that guards a castle. Enhance this activity by asking children to use adjectives in their description.
Sequencing: The printed lines on these worksheets can be great spaces for pupils to use to sequence a story. Ask the children to choose a character, and then draw some more pictures that show how a well-known traditional tale progresses. For example, if they choose the pumpkin carriage, they could show Cinderella transforming from her ragged outfit to her beautiful ballgown. A sentence or two underneath the pictures will aid in sequencing narrative in the children’s minds.
Creative extensions: You could even use these worksheets as prompts for children to write alternative endings or create their own versions of traditional tales. For example, instead of the Big Bad Wolf blowing down the three little pigs’ houses, does a dragon turn up instead?