
What are your plans to support the mental health of your pupils this year?

Ollie and his Superpowers

‘Rates of probable mental disorders have increased since 2017. In 2020, one in six (16.0%) children aged 5 to 16 years were identified as having a probable mental disorder, increasing from one in nine (10.8%) in 2017. The increase was evident in both boys and girls’


The statistics are worrying, but we know that with the Ollie Model, your school can change lives for the better.

We believe in early intervention, although the Ollie Model benefits people of all ages, so it’s never too late to adopt the Ollie Model.

So, what is the Ollie Model, and why are so many schools taking advantage of the Ollie Emotional Resilience Prevent Programmes?

Early in the development of the Ollie Method, we realised that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to emotional wellbeing. Every child will have their own way of looking at the world and how they deal with difficult situations both at home or at school.

We acknowledge individuality and uniqueness this resulted in the creation the Ollie Emotional Resilience Prevent Programmes. The programmes are built and customised to fit around your school’s and pupil needs.

How does the programme work?

Utilising the Ollie therapeutic approach of empowerment, the children will be invited to take part in fun exercises that week by week teach the meaning of core social skills including communication, self-worth, empathy and resilience.

Each programme is personalised to the needs of the children with the desired outcomes being the same.

We use a whole class/whole school setting as an in-depth introduction to emotional wellbeing and workshops for smaller groups of individuals that don’t need the intensity of 1-2-1 but need a little more support through a tailored approach.

Here are just some of the things we address in the programme:

  • Children learn that they can be in control of their emotions rather than being controlled by them
  • Why we think differently
  • Why different things worry or scare us
  • Why anxiety is pretty cool!
  • Why we need all our emotions
  • How sometimes we misunderstand people
  • Self-worth, resilience and much more

We have created a suite of tools (Ollie’s Magic Emotion Cards), the Beat the Waif Board and journal that help children and adults alike to delve deeper into what emotions are and how they work.

You learn very quickly how we don’t all have the same meanings and intensities and relationships to emotions. This can cause confusion and misunderstandings.

The games allow fun and open discussions about feelings and it’s quick way to identify the child’s level of understanding.

It’s a great foundation for ongoing emotional resilience!

Ollie Coaches are available to provide 1-2-1 emotional therapy and Ollie assemblies. Why don’t you book your free Ollie Assembly today to see how your students engage with the Model?

Book a Discovery call by emailing us at

Meet Sam

Meet Sam, an amazing autistic young man who has been using the Ollie Books and techniques to help him through his days. One of our lovely Ollie Coaches, Jess, sent me the book that Sam wrote his version of the Ollie stories.

Alison Knowles is a practising emotional therapist, author of the Ollie and his Super Powers series, creator of the Ollie Model, public speaker and award-winning NLP trainer. Ali’s strength is the unique way she views the world and her intuitive ability to empower you or your child to find the solutions from within.

Ali trained to be a cognitive hypnotherapist purely out of interest in the subject. Ali’s passion for learning led to further training and development in NLP and CBT, giving her an extensive toolbox of techniques and schools of thought to help just about anyone who came to her clinic, except children. Ali realised all her training, the language and the science behind it was just not suitable.

This led to the creation of the Ollie Model – a simple therapeutic model empowering the individual to take back control of their emotions rather than being controlled by them. More recently Ali has been awarded with the NLP award for Education as well as being shortlisted for the final of the Diversity Awards.


Ollie and his Superpowers

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