
5 reasons to try… SNAP

Discover how SNAP from Rising Stars can help you to identify learning and behavioural needs in your school…

30-second briefing

SNAP is an award-winning resource that helps teachers to identify learning and behavioural needs, generate targeted interventions and track progress over time.

1 | Identify pupils’ needs

Identify 20 specific learning differences with SNAP-SpLD and 17 social, emotional and behavioural needs with SNAP-B. SNAP has an easy-to-use design following the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ model as set out in the SEND Code of Practice (2014).

Pupil assessments can be administered by any member of staff without the need for additional training. Questionnaires are completed by pupils, teachers and parents/carers to bring together everything that is known about a pupil in an effective triangulated approach.

2 | At-a-glance information

Once the assessment has been completed, a Core Profile is generated. This shows a pupil’s strengths and weaknesses and allows for empowered discussions between the pupil, family and school

3 | Generate reports

SNAP provides a selection of suggested interventions and strategies to involve both home and school, supporting the specific needs of pupils.

The school report can be shared with all relevant teaching staff and includes details about the specific area of need, chosen interventions, suggested classroom strategies, suggested websites and further reading. The home report can be shared with parents and carers and includes details about specific areas of need,

a summary of the selected interventions being carried out in school, strategies and activities to try at home and useful websites.

The suggested interventions and strategies can be easily combined with ideas, resources and approaches already in use in your school, and there are also additional information sheets that can be shared with teachers and parents/carers.

4 | Monitor progress

Reassess pupils to track progress overtime and explore whether interventions should be continued, adapted, replaced or stopped. Teachers can compare up to three assessments at a time.

Staff at Endeavour Academy said: ‘SNAP allows us to reassess, so after targeted intervention, progress can be monitored and evidenced in a visual report which allows us to show the impact of the work we have carried out on improving student wellbeing.”

5 | Award-winning tool snap

is used and loved by teachers all over the world and has been shortlisted for the Nasen awards in 2020, was a finalist for the BETT awards and ERA awards in 2021 and received five stars in the Teach Secondary Awards in 2020 and the Teach Primary Awards in 2019.

Key points

  • SNAP-SpLD is an online diagnostic assessment to identify likely special educational needs or specific learning needs in pupils aged 4-16.

  • SNAP-B is an online diagnostic assessment that profiles 17 SEBDs which without identification may limit a pupil’s potential to learn.
  • Staff at Newton International Academy say SNAP has “made a huge difference. Having the report from SNAP is a very useful tool in our discussions with parents.”
  • Teachers and leaders can find out more about SNAP or request a free demonstration of it by visiting the website at

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